Setting tasks

You can set a task and assign a specific person or more people to complete it. You can specify a task to be completed by commenting, filling out a form, or a group of forms. You can also use tasks to create automation for idea processing.

Requesting a comment

One form of a task is to request a comment from someone. That means that you simply ask someone to comment on the idea.

  1. Click on the title of the selected proposal to open the Manage-menu on the right.
  2. Then click Ask for comment to request a comment.
  3. Under Comment task, select the user(s) you want to target, the deadline for completing the task, and, if needed, write a message or more information about the task.
  4. Finally, click Send task.

Ask for the form to be filled out

You can also assign a task of filling out a form regarding the idea. If the forms have already been created, you can use them, or create a new form.

  • Proceed as in requesting a comment. First, click on the title of the idea to open the Manage-page.
  • If you want to create a new form, click + Add form and create a new one, or select an existing form from the list and click Ask for (form name).

Request to fill out a form group

You can also set a task to fill in a form group. In this case, do the same as requesting a form, but select a form group or create a new form group first.

The task performer can choose which form from the group he wants to fill in and therefore the form group is useful for example in decision making.


💡 You can assign a task to more than one person.


Give tasks to non-members in a private channel


⚠️You must have professional or enterprise plan to use this feature

Channel managers can give tasks to non-members in the private channel.

The person can see and comment only on the proposal she has been given the task for. When the task is completed, it won't be shown to the person anymore nor it is listed in the completed tasks list.

  • First, click on the idea you want to send the task to.
  • Then, click on the task you want to assign.
Click on the task you want to assign.

Then fill in the details:

  1. Type in the email of the person you want to assign the task for to the Choose user field and click enter.
  2. Choose the task deadlines.
  3. Type in the message for the assigned person.
  4. When all the details are filled, click on Send task.
When all the details are filled, click on Send task.

Give tasks to external participants

Assigning tasks to external participants, without registration is a similar process to giving tasks to non-members in a private channel described above. So same way, 

  1. First, click on the idea you want to send the task to.
  2. Then, click on the task you want to assign.
  3. Then fill in the details:

    1. Type in the email of the person you want to assign the task for to the Choose user field and click enter.
    2. Choose the task deadlines.
    3. Type in the message for the assigned person.
    4. When all the details are filled, click on Send task.

The person can see and comment only on the proposal she has been given the task for. When the task is completed, it won't be shown to the person anymore.


Setting multiple tasks at the same time

You can also set several tasks for the same person at the same time. In this case, first go to the workflow on the channel.

  1. Click -icon in the top right corner to turn on the list view.
  2. Select each suggestion you want to set a task for.
  3. Then click on Assign task.
  4. From the list that opens, select the task you want to assign.
  5. Complete the task details as you would otherwise. Add the user, deadline, and message, and click Send task.
    Check Unselect row

Delete the task

When you click on the idea title and the Manage-menu opens, you will see below the tasks who is assigned to complete the task. To delete a task, place your cursor over the icon of the assigned person, and then click delete task.