Archiving a challenge

If a challenge has come to an end, you can archive it. When a challenge is archived, it will disappear from the left menu.

This is how you archive a challenge:

  1. Go to the challenge of your need.
  2. Press ratas (asetukset) on the upper right corner of a challenge.
  3. From the opening menu click  General.
  4. From General, open the Settings tab.
  5. Click Archive at the bottom of the Settings tab.
  6. Press Yes to confirm archiving.


Where to find an archived challenge:

If you want to get to an archived challenge follow these steps:

  1. Drag your cursor on the top of the Challenges title on the left menu.
  2. Press the appearing symbol next to the Challenges title.
  3. Click on Archived.
  4. You can get back on a challenge by pressing on its name.