Customize the cards in workflow

You can customize the information you see in each proposal card in the channel workflow view.

  1. Go to the channel of your choice.
  2. Move to Workflow -tab.
  3. Click on Customize cards.
  4. Select in the appearing modal window what data you want to show in the cards
    1. Proposal picture
    2. Assigned manager
    3. Task situation: number of incomplete and total tasks
    4. Proposal presenter: initials or picture of the user who created the proposal 
    5. Inactive days: the proposal card is highlighted with a red line on the right edge of the card if the proposal has been inactive more than the days set in channel settings in Highlight inactive proposals 
    6. Created date
    7. Comment count: number of comments in the proposal
    8. Pending tasks: show the incompleted tasks and task deadline for selected management forms
  5. After you have selected what data to show on the card, you can
    1. Assign the new settings only for yourself by clicking close
    2. Save the new settings as a default for all users of the channel who have not created their personal settings by clicking Save as default for this channel
    3. Reset the setting to Orchidea default settings for all users of the channel who have not created their personal settings by clicking Reset to default