Task management

In My tasks, you can see the tasks assigned to you and the tasks you have assigned to other users.

Review and complete tasks assigned to you

If you have been assigned to a task, you will see the My tasks icon with a number of incomplete tasks in the upper right corner of Ochidea. When you click on the icon, you will see a list of tasks assigned to you.
You will also get a notification of a new task in your email. The email is sent every full hour, and it includes the summary of all tasks assigned to you during the previous 60 minutes.

This is how you select and complete a task.

  1. Click the task you want to complete in the My tasks tab.
  2. In the middle of the view, you will see the description of the proposal related to the task. On the right hand side, you will see the form that you have been requested to fill. Read through the proposal description and complete the form. When you are ready, click Submit.
  3. After that, you will see Task completed view.
    1. In the middle, below the proposal description, you will see the input that resulted of your task completion
    2. On the right hand side, you can 1) Go to the next task in the task list or 2) return to the task list.
    3. You see your remaining tasks on the left-hand side of the screen. You can also select the next task by clicking the task card in this list.
  4. Complete all your tasks by working through your task list.

Review the tasks that you have assigned to other users

If you want to review the tasks that you have assigned to other users, click the Tasks given by me tab in My tasks. There, you have two additional tabs for reviewing Incompleted and Completed tasks assigned by you.

In Incompleted tab, see incomplete tasks, their assignees, and their deadlines. If you click on the task row, Ochidea will open the proposal and highlight the form related to the task for you. If you hover over the user icon in the highlighted form, you will see the task details, and you can 1) Delete task or 2) Remind the assignee about the task.

You see all your Incomplete tasks on the left-hand side of the screen. You can move between them by clicking the tasks in this list.

In Completed tab, you see completed tasks assigned by you and when they were completed. If you click on the task row, Orchidea will open the proposal and show you the input related to the task.

You see all your Completed tasks on the left-hand side of the screen. You can move between them by clicking the tasks in this list.