Upgrade free Subscription to Team

You can upgrade your subscription to Team at any time on Orchidea.

 ⚠️ You must be an owner to be able to upgrade your subscription.

To upgrade your Orchidea Free subscription to the Team version, start by going to the Settings from icon in the top right corner of the workspace.

  • In the settings, go to Subscription from the left menu, then click Upgrade from Do more with Orchidea -section. If you can't see this box, you're not a workspace owner. In this case, ask the owner to upgrade the subscription, or to give you the owner rights.

Click on Upgrade

  • Select a monthly or annual billing frequency, and click Subscribe. If you would like to upgrade to the Business version, click contact us.
Click on Billing intervals
  • You will automatically be redirected to the payment service. In the payment service, select the number of months you want to buy and add a possible discount code. Fill in your card details, and when all the details are filled in, click on Pay and subscribe.
Click on promotionCode