1. Knowledge base
  2. Administration
  3. User management and inviting users

User roles and permissions

Orchidea user has a role both at the workspace and channel, challenge, and workshop level.

When a new Orchidea user is created, they become automatically users in the Orchidea Workspace. If the user needs to manage the application-level settings, existing workspace owners and admins can upgrade the user to the workspace owner or admin level.

When a workspace user creates a channel, challenge, or workshop, they automatically become its owner. If the owner wants to invite additional users to help manage the process, they can add other users as channel, challenge, or workshop members and upgrade them to channel owners.

In addition to the owner, only the channel has the role of channel manager, who can handle proposals but cannot modify the channel settings and process.

If a channel, challenge, or workshop is open, all users in the workspace can access it, so there is no need to add them as members. However, when a channel, challenge, or workshop is created private,  the only user having access to it initially is the creator who become automatically its owner.

Example 1

Workspace permission settings define that only workspace admins and owners can create channels, challenges, and workshops. Workspace owner creates a new open challenge, adds a user to as a member to it. Then upgrades that user to be the owner of the challenge, so that they can manage the challenge process together. The challenge is open, and therefore all workspace users have automatically access to it.

Example 2

Workspace permission settings define that workspace all users can create channels, challenges, and workshops. A workspace users creates a new open workshop, and becomes automaticaly the owner of the workshop. Then the owner adds an another user to as a member to the workshop and upgrades that user to owner, so that the user can co-facilitate the workshop. The workshops is open, and therefore all workspace users have automatically access to it.

Example 3

Workspace permission settings define that workspace all users can create channels, challenges, and workshops. A workspace users creates a new private channel, and becomes automaticaly the owner of the channel. Because the channel is private, the channel owner needs to add members to the channel so that they get access to it.

Orchidea workspace-level user roles

📌Guest role is available on Orchidea Professional and Enterprise plans

Workspace owner 

Highest workspace-level role that can manage all workspace level settings. Has the same permissions as channel, challenge, and workshop owners in all open channels, challenges, and workshops.

The workspace owner does not have access to the private channels, challenges, and workshops unless they are added as members. However, workspace owners see the name and creator of all private channels, challenges, and workshops in the hidden private tab of channels, challenges, and workshops.

A workspace owner can only be downgraded to a lower role by another workspace owner. 

Workspace admin 

It has, for the most part, the same rights as a workspace owner, with the following exceptions. Workspace admin

  • cannot delete, block sign-in, or change the role of a workspace owner
  • does not see the list of private channels, challenges, and workshops in the Hidden private tab of channels, challenges, and workshops


User is the default workspace role that new internal users get. The user has the right to

  • access all open channels, challenges, and workshops
  • access all private channels, challenges, and workshops where they were added as members
  • create proposals (can be prevented in channel and challenge settings)
  • comment and react to proposals
  • complete tasks assigned by the channel and challenge owners or channel managers
  • create new channels, challenges, and workshops if permitted by the workspace permission settings
Workspace admins and owners can upgrade users to higher workspace roles in workspace User management.


The guest role has been primarily designed for an external collaborator who should not get access to all open channels, challenges, and workshops of the workspace. Guests have access only to the channels, challenges, or workshops where they’ve been invited by the channel, challenge, or workshop manager or owner.

By default, inviting guests is not allowed in the workspace. The workspace owner or admin can allow guest in Join workspace settings of the workspace.

The default channel role of a guest in a channel, challenge, or workshop is member, but the channel manager and owner can also upgrade a guest to manager or owner. External consultants with guest roles upgraded to channel managers or owners can, for example, facilitate challenges or workshops in an organization's Orchidea.  

Channel-, challenge-, and workshop roles 

Channel, challenge, or workshop owner

A role that a user automatically gets when they create a channel, challenge, or workshop. Owner has the following permissions in their channel, challenge, or workshop: 

  • upgrade members to channel, challenge, or workshop owners
  • manage channel, challenge, and workshop process and settings
  • carry out all the tasks related to the role of Channel Manager
  • change the name, description, and settings of the channel, challenge, and workshop
  • archiving and deleting a channel, challenge, and workshop

Channel manager

The primary role of the channel manager is to manage proposals in the channel using the process defined by the channel owner.

The role of the channel manager can:

  • filling in management forms, assign tasks, and change the status of proposals
  • manage proposals using three dot menu operations (copy, move...)
  • add members and managers to the channel
  • use the reports in the channel
  • publish news

Channel Member

Member is the default role that a user gets when they are added as a member to a channel, challenge, or workshop. Member can participate in channel activities by submitting, reacting to and commenting the proposals. Members can also complete task that has been assigned to them by channel managers and owners.